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  • Writer's pictureOphelia Stähelin

What Should Have Been a Diary Entry ...

Updated: Jan 21

Being alone in London is sad.

Being alone in London with PMS is sadder.

Being alone in London, with PMS, drinking a beer alone, is that the picture of utter sad- & loneliness?

I hope not!

It's been quiet around here, and honestly, I have lost a bit of the joy of discovering new places. After one year in Liverpool and getting to the end of finding new places, my Coffee Thursday suddenly vanished. It was easier to make myself a coffee at home. Going to the same places where we knew the coffee would taste nice was easier and more comfortable, but not post- and Instagram-worthy anymore. And it made it all harder the moment we moved to Manchester. Another new city, once again adjusting, and as life started to feel normal again, finally, I found myself travelling a lot more and suddenly, the habit and ritual of my Thursdays was gone.

I still drink coffee and have discovered a few good places in Manchester, but I was not actively looking for them. I was not actively heading out into the new city I call home now and trying to find a cosy spot. A tasty latte. With Oatly. Somehow, I just lost interest. And who is even interested in my own thoughts about my life? You, my dear reader, might think, "I am", but imposter syndrome and doubts are always there. Maybe I think that nobody will actually read this post, so I keep typing away my thoughts. Thoughts that should have ended up in my diary, but I didn't bring it with me ...

So here we are, in a hotel bar instead of a coffee shop, sipping my Magners, and I finally thought I should write something again on my blog. After all, I pay for the site. And otherwise, "Project Blogger" can finally be put into the trash can. And that would mean closing my Instagram-Account. Because I still think that my page should not mix up with my other life stuff too much and that my posts should always contain at least one reference to coffee. However, I realised that posts with a picture of me are liked way more than my pictures of coffee. Coincidence?

Anyway, I felt like typing some thoughts away, even though I could write about a few more shop discoveries, some in London, some in Belgium, some in Manchester. Just two weekends ago, when we wandered endlessly through the streets of Manchester, passing by many different coffee shops, I told my boyfriend that I should really pick up this blogger project again. He even gifted me a blogging course two years ago that I barely touched because ... you name it, life happened.

But life happens as well at this moment. And why did I not take the time for it? Why did I not have this ambitious will to keep growing my reader base, collaborate with coffee shops and, most of all, become an ambassador of Oatly (#dream!)? Because ... because sometimes I am tired. Sometimes I think about life. And don't know where to go with it. Sometimes I am sad (#PMS), and sometimes I just don't want to do it. Or doing anything.

Oddly enough, when I don't want to do anything, I think about how unambitious I am, and how much more use I could make of this time that I could go out and explore. Except, maybe I don't want to go outside. It's all twisted and turned. Can you feel my pain?

Anyway, (deep sigh here), I basically wanted to say I am still here and plan to visit more coffee shops around Manchester and tell you about it. I have enough material to backtrack a few "Coffee-Thursdays" and share some places with great coffee.

All is well, I am on a business trip in London, hence me starting this post about London, but I am still Manchester-based and commuting between these two cities allows more discoveries about coffee.

So let me share it.

This is a picture of me sipping a real Italian coffee during our holiday in Sicily, still thinking about life.

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