And here we are, after lockdown, and I finally figured how to bake a banana bread. I am probably the last person on this Earth who is trying this recipe. That’s just because I fell in love with my flapjacks. I could have done flapjacks, you probably think, yes, I could have, but not with four bananas, I would have had flapjacks for the next few months.
So I thought it’s time for the banana bread. No nuts, so my boyfriend can eat it as well, though from the looks of his face he doesn’t seem too keen about it. What if I tell him it goes down with chocolate really well? 😉
The tiny tin is now in the oven. As usual, how it works in my kitchen, I don’t have the correct ingredient or the perfect utensil to cook/bake. Today I had all ingredients, but not a loaf tin. So I grabbed another one and it already seems a bit too tiny. Hopefully it doesn’t create a mess and leaves me to clean the oven. I need the oven for my next dish … Otherwise, pasta is on the menu for dinner tonight.
That’s a different story though, and oh, speaking of stories … Are you as well this type of person that goes into a bookshop and has to get out with at least 3 books and £50 less in the pocket? Well … I am that kind of person. Bookshops are as dangerous as coffee shops. Luckily they don’t exist in every corner. Nevertheless, last Saturday after my four hours at Love Brownies I walked past Waterstones and saw it in the display. Midnight Sun from Stephenie Meyer. A bell rang. Stephenie Meyer. Twilight. Edward & Bella. Intrigued and inquisitive I wandered through the shop until I landed in the teenage fiction part. Really? Teenage fiction? Hm, guess what, I am already 24! Probably not really teenage any more, but still, whoever loved Edward and Bella as I did, has to know about this new book!
756 pages of a new – and old – story, just told out of Edwards sight. We must have all imagined how he felt when he saw Bella for the first time, what went through his mind, why he couldn't read her thoughts, what he thought when he watched her during her sleep, etc. Those questions, all answered now. I haven’t made it that far yet, only just past the first few hundred pages, but I am transferred back to when I first read the first book of Twilight. I was gripped by it. I fell in love with Edward Cullen. I wanted to be Bella. I was Team Edward. Posters of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart all over my bedroom. It was the first time I fell in love with a movie so much I hang up posters. I bought every magazine where I saw a story of Kristen and Robert. And guess what, not long ago I found out that I lived quite near where Robert Pattinson grew up – in Barnes, right next to Putney. Did I ever see him? Never. Unless I didn’t recognize him. I mean, there are quite a few years between the first publishing of the book and now. I remember I was in secondary school when my friend told me about it. Lent me the book, and I after bought it myself. Borrowed it further and so the little Twilight fan club in our class started. My mom even believes that my marks dropped because of all the hype.
Luckily I don't have exams coming up and can simply enjoy this book by myself. Evenings have become something to look forward to again. Yesterday I sat with a pot of Ben & Jerry's on my bed, the book in front of me. For the next few days, I'll enjoy the story with my banana bread. Which is growing nicely in my tiny tin (I already had to run twice to the kitchen and scratch away some pieces that fell off. Is promising though, it tastes already delicious!) and my expectations for a great Tuesday evening are going to be met.